Saturday, August 26, 2006

Tammerforce 25 August 2006 Images

Orgue Electronique's Brian Chinetti and Legowelt's Danny Wolfers

Sakke Karipuro, that ever-trusty court photographer of Tampere electronic dance music scene has photos he took of last night's Tammerforce event here:

Holland's Orgue Electronique and Legowelt were both amazing, and I (the guy in white Murdercapital T-shirt for those who were there) danced my ass off. Soundwise a lot of it made me think of 80s Chicago house à la Adonis' 'No Way Back', Sakke compared some Legowelt stuff to Leo Anibaldi and DJ Autobass raved to me about their 101.

And if you watch closely, you can also see the members of Kompleksi lurking somewhere there in the pics...

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