Monday, December 18, 2006

Kompleksi GIF Animations by Sampen / Unidentified Objects

GIF animations created for Kompleksi by Unidentified Sound Objects. Click for larger images.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. great retro look... where or what's that "radio tower" thingy to the right?

  3. It's not a radio tower, but the landmark of our hometown Tampere, the Näsinneula observation tower.

  4. - ah! know those round, oval-shaped Future houses made in Finland in the 1970's? (forget what they're called)

    well, basically i just discovered that there is some kind of UFO-cult in the 'States who worship an abandoned and rusty specimen of those...
    as it had been forgotten by the exhibitors out in the sticks somewhere for decades, and when discovered, people thought it was actually crashed from space! ha ha ha ha...

  5. The houses were called Futuro. The cult sounds interesting, someone could write a short story (or even a TV series) based on that.

    The animations are nicely crude.

  6. The Futuro house was recently featured in this blog with the entry on Jimi Tenor's 'Year of the Apocalypse' video. See the links there.
