Thursday, March 29, 2007

Kid Shirt On Kompleksi's Video

Kid Shirt, a UK music blog for all things underground, which did an interesting review of Kompleksi's 7", now namechecks our video at

"... check out their strangely melancholic travelogue-themed vid for 'Sara Pain'"


"The footage and edits remind me of the sort of homemade promos that Cabaret Voltaire used to put out on Doublevision many moons back. Trust me, the track's a real grower."

Original Kompleksi photo by Tina Ulevik; image manipulation by pHinn.

And more Kompleksi-related stuff found from the Net:

Electronic music producer Scary of Malmö, Sweden comments Kompleksi on his blog. "... De har hållit på sedan 2002 och gör en nästan organisk elektronika. Jag gillar deras lätt skeva och svårplacerade stil mycket och hoppas verkligen att de kan få släppa det album som de gjort men inte fått ge ut än. [...] Min favorit just nu är Kompleksi vs Citizen Omega-låten 'Ghost at Noon'; het som en utbränd lägenhet."


Webzine has recently featured some Kompleksi tracks on their Net radio shows.

Musaiikki, 31 January 2007:

Kompleksi (with Polytron) - 'Moscow 1980'

Demolition Derby, 5 March 2007:

Kompleksi - 'SWT NG FCK THNG'

Värinää, 14 March 2007:

Kompleksi - 'Gothic Robots'

Musaiikki, 28 March 2007:

Kompleksi - 'Love Missile F1-11'


Musasalama show on Radio Helsinki has had Kompleksi even before on its playlists:

Musasalama 14 December 2006:


Musasalama 10 January 2007:

KOMPLEKSI VS. POLYTRON - 'Moscow 1980' (Javelin Remix)


John Cavanagh of Glasgow, Scotland is a musician-radio show DJ-writer (among all, an author of a book on the early days of Syd Barrett & Pink Floyd and their debut Piper at the Gates of Dawn; also pHinn's personal all-time favourite album).

John Cavanagh's Soundwave @ Radio Six International

Soundwave number 107 - 28th-29th January 2007:

Kompleksi - 'Love Missile F1-11'

Soundwave number 113 - 11th - 12th March 2007:

Kompleksi remix of 'Kirkko Rakkaani' by M.A. Numminen & DJ Sane

  • Official Phosphene Homepage
  • Phosphene Soundwave @ MySpace


    But what is this (and the same in Japanese)...?
  • 1 comment:

    1. Congrats on your success! I really like how uses "mustamakkara" as one of their tags. Don't know who or what they are, though.
