Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ian Loveday a.k.a. Eon In Memoriam

Eon: 'The Spice Must Flow' (1991)

Via Blissblog:

Ian Loveday a.k.a. Eon, a legendary British electronic dance music producer, passed away on Wednesday June 17 from complications with pneumonia at the age of 54. Loveday was known for such rave tunes as 'Spice' (1990) and 'Fear The Mind Killer' (1991), and the album Void Dweller (1992). He also recorded under such monikers as Minimal Man, Tan Ru and R. Rash. I interviewed Ian Loveday for pHinnWeb in 2002, through his connection with J Saul Kane's Electron Industries label, for which Eon released such 12"s as 'Wave Angel' (1995) and 'Phaze Test' (1996). Rest in peace.


  • Eon interview @ pHinnWeb (April 2002)
  • Partial Eon discography @ pHinnWeb
  • Eon @ MySpace
  • Eon @ Discog

  • Obituary @ The Daily Swarm
  • Obituary by Louise Gray @ When That Helicopter Comes
  • 1 comment:

    1. being 35, and not heard spice or final warning since the 1992 in the days of rave chasing in the frisco area, I decided to dig out his tunes this weekend, and wow, what a sad discovery. my hat off to him and the family.
