Thursday, October 01, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kelpe: 'Microscope Contents' (12"/download, DC Recordings)

Kelpe: 'Microscope Contents' (2009)

Kelpe a.k.a. Kel McKeown will have his new album, Cambio Wechsel (DCR109), out 19 October 2009 on UK's DC Recordings, featuring his IDM-ish excursions. Before the album there will be this single and video.

Artist: Kelpe
Title: Microscope Contents
Format: 12"/digital download DCR108
Label: DC Recordings (UK)
Release date: 21 September 2009


1. Microscope Contents (4:03)
2. The Blankout Agreement [Slugabed remix] (4:51)
3. Dig Up Stupid (5:45)
4. The Blankout Agreement (4:09)


Written and produced by Kel McKeown.
Track 2 remixed by Slugabed.
Mastered by Guy Davie at Electric Mastering.

(p) & © DC Recordings. LC7871. Published by Schnozza Music.

Press release notes from DC Recordings:

"Microscope Contents" is the first single to be taken from Kelpe's forthcoming third album for DC Recordings, Cambio Weschel, (which is released on October 12 2009). It begins with the eponymous title track -- an infectious, bass-driven, electro melody which pulses over a constantly evolving percussive groove.

Slugabed 'Dig Up Stupid' is exclusive to this single (it does not appear on the forthcoming album) - a gently grooving electro track replete with warm bass drones that intermittently bubbles with sinister arpeggios that strangely evoke some lost, anxious moment of arcade game tension.

For the fourth and final track Kelpe himself takes album highlight 'The Blankout Agreement' and reworks into a club-weight steppa that rocks its self back and forth from head-nodding groove to floor-smashing anthem, all the while chattering with percussion and subtle melodic inflections...

Kelpe (joined by Chris Walmsley on drums) will be playing selected live dates around Europe to accompany the release of Cambio Weschel. For more info, see

  • Release info @ DC Recordings
  • Friday, September 18, 2009

    Tumbln' Down

    Obviously, I don't have much to say these days (I always wonder about the people who seem to have opinions on every topic between heaven and earth and are not too shy to express them, either), and the updates are becoming more sporadic. Instead, I've found myself wasting more and more time at these so called social medias. Because it's a good way to procrastinate and avoid doing anything useful. For example, endlessly adding music clips to pHinnWeb's Tumblr site:

    Friday, September 11, 2009

    Randy Barracuda: New Album and Video

    Randy Barracuda: 'Ketamine Strut' [official video] (Animation, design and editing by David Giese.)

    Randy Barracuda of Imatran Voima has his first solo album of electro-funk and skweee out now on Flogsta Danshall. You can listen to some its tracks on the MySpace pages of Randy Barracuda and Flogsta Danshall.

    Artist: Randy Barracuda
    Title: Randy Barracuda
    Format: LP FDLP2
    Label: Flogsta Danshall (Sweden)
    Date: 9 September 2009


    A1. Tähtien Lapsi (1:52)
    A2. Skweee Like A Pig (3:34)
    A3. Hungry For Another Touch (4:03)
    A4. Overnight Romancin (5:28)
    B1. Ketamine Strut (5:09)
    B2. Duck Butter (3:25)
    B3. I Am Coming (3:03)
    B4. Love Axe/Heavy Metal (5:27)

    Credits: Bass - Eero Johannes (tracks: A4)
    Cz-101 - SLA (2) (tracks: B1, B4)
    Marsh Uds Electronic Percussion - Pavan (tracks: B3)
    Michael Black Electro appears on A3 and B4.
    Mama Africa and The Afro B. Logic Singers appear on B3.

    Notes: Mastered by Pete Salone at Silencio. Mixed by Imatran Voima. To Linda with love. © 2009 Flogsta Danshall - Pyrkimys Menestykseen.

  • Entry at Discogs.
  • Wednesday, September 09, 2009

    manSEDANse 2009, 8-11 October 2009, Tampere, Finland

    All the latest Kompleksi news will be now updated to:

    Mike Dred: 'Microcosm' (1994)

    Global Goon: 'Woo' (1997)

    Aleksi Perälä: 'Sunbath' (2007)

    manSEDANse 2009
    8-11 October 2009
    Tampere, Finland

    This year's manSEDANse electronic music festival features in its line-up a showcase of UK's Rephlex Records label, representing its "braindance"/IDM sound with Mike Dred, Global Goon and Aleksi Perälä. Dubstep scene is represented by UK's Appleblim and Dusk & Blackdown, alongside with Finnish DJs Dead-O, Desto and Sire. More leftfield Finnish sound is heard from Ponytail, Verde and Petri Kuljuntausta. pHinnWeb is also featured with its "house band" Kompleksi. Plus more DJs + some cool visuals, too.

    [All performer links at manSEDANse's line-up page.]

    Thursday 08 October

    Location: Telakka | Time: 21-02
    Night ticket: 5EUR

  • Ponytail
    Tuulanauhat (FI)
  • Verde
  • Petri Kuljuntausta
    Aureobel (FI)
  • MARry DJs
    MARry (FI)

    Friday 09 October

    Location: Klubi | Time: 21-04
    Night ticket: 10EUR (incl. cloakroom)

  • Appleblim
    Apple Pips, Skull Disco (UK)
  • Dusk & Blackdown
    Keysound, Rinse FM (UK)
  • Dead-O
    Clouds, Channel Zero (FI)
  • Desto
    Ramp, Argon (FI)
  • Sire
    Step Ahead, MARry (FI)

    Visuals by

  • Mr. Smooth (Sedan, FI)
  • Xtra Tool (Sedan, FI)
  • Hello World (FI)

    Saturday 10 October

    Location: Klubi | Time: 21-04
    Night ticket: 10EUR (incl. cloakroom)

  • Mike Dred
    Rephlex, Machine Codes (UK)
  • Global Goon
    WeMe, Rephlex (UK)
  • Aleksi Perälä
    Rephlex (UK)
  • DCOM
    Niitty, X-Rust (FI)
  • MARry DJs
    MARry (FI)

    Visuals by

  • Mr. Smooth (Sedan, FI)
  • Xtra Tool (Sedan, FI)
  • Hello World (FI)

    Sunday 11 October

    Location: Telakka | Time: 21-01
    Night ticket: Free

  • Kompleksi
    Verdura (FI)
  • MARry DJs
    MARry (FI)

    + more tbc

    Press release info in Finnish:

    manSEDANse 8.‒11. lokakuuta 2009
    Lehdistötiedote (iltaohjelma) 2/3
    Julkaisuvapaa: heti

    Elektronisen musiikin tyylit sulavat manSEDANsen uunissa

    Elektronisen musiikin ja kulttuurin festivaalin manSEDANsen iltaohjelmisto on valmis. Ohjelmasta on koottu jälleen ainutlaatuinen ja monisärmäinen kattaus elektronisen musiikin tuoreinta soundia, klassikoita sekä kokeellisempaa tuotantoa.

    Klubilla koetaan perjantaina Suomen virkeän dubstep-skenenkin puitteissa iso ilta, kun ulkomaillakin yhä laajempaa huomiota herättävät kotimaiset dj-tuottajat Desto ja Dead-O saavat lavalle seuraa Englannista. Pitkistä ja eri tyyleissä (dubstep, grime, 2step, garage) rönsyilevistä seteistään tunnettu lontoolaiskaksikko Dusk & Blackdown voisivat varmasti hoidella koko illan soiton, mutta suomalaisten lisäksi heidän täytyy tehdä tilaa toisellekin illan brittiläiselle pääesiintyjälle, joka on Appleblim. Myös Appleblim on eri musiikkityylien yhdistäjä. Hänen ylistetyt dj-settinsä, tuotantonsa ja Skull Disco -levy-yhtiönsä tunnetaan muun muassa dubstepin ja teknon vaikutteiden hienoista sekoituksista. Appleblim on osallistunut myös kansainväliseen modernin musiikin workshopiin Red Bull Music Academyyn (RBMA). manSEDANsen ja RBMA:n yhteistyön hedelmänä Appleblim koetaan vihdoin Tampereella.

    Lauantai-iltana Klubilla esiintyvät Mike Dred, Global Goon sekä Aleksi Perälä. Kyseessä on kolmikko, joka muodostaa vankan kivijalan legendaariselle Rephlex Records -levy-yhtiölle. Mike Dred (aka. Kosmik Kommando) oli Rephlexin perustajan Richard D. Jamesin (Aphex Twin) jälkeen ensimmäinen Rephlexille levyttänyt artisti. 90-luvun alussa James ja Dred alkoivat tuottaa yhdessä Universal Indicator -nimisten julkaisujen sarjaa, joista tuli acid-genren 90-luvun klassikoita. Parhaillaan Dred valmistelee uuden albumin julkaisua. Uusi levy valmistui Dredin mukaan 8 vuoden ja 8 kuukauden tauon jälkeen, eli levyllä Rolandin rumpukoneklassikko TR-808 lienee taas kovassa käytössä!

    Vuonna 1996 Rephlexillä debytoinut Global Goon tunnettiin alun perin hänen omaperäisen soljuvasta ja melodisesta braindancestaan, mutta artistin tuoreimmilla levyillä on ollut kuultavissa selkeä käänne. Viimeisimmät Global Goon -julkaisut ovat TB-303:n jykevöittämää, mutta edelleen persoonallisen melodista acidia. Aleksi Perälä (aka. Ovuca, Astrobotnia) on puolestaan yksi Rephlex Recordsin kuluneen vuosikymmenen tuotteliaimpia artisteja. Hänen tänä vuonna jälleen uudella taiteilijanimellä Boom Blaster julkaisemansa levy ei istu lyhyisiin määritelmiin. Joku voi kuulla tutun perälämäisesti rönsyilevässä Boom Blasterissa minimaaliteknoa, toinen jopa dubstep-rytmiikoita, mutta... Braindancea se on! Lauantaina levyjä pyörittää tietenkin myös pettämätön dj DCOM.

    Telakan torstai-ilta on suoraa jatkoa aiemmin päivällä Mediamuseo Rupriikin tiloissa järjestettävälle päivätapahtumalle. Päivällä elektronisen musiikin historiasta luennoiva Petri Kuljuntausta soittaa illalla levyjään. Clouds-duostakin tutun Samuli Tannerin sooloprojekti Ponytail on yksi tämän päivän kiinnostavimmista ja kehutuimmista kotimaisista kokeellisen musiikin projekteista. Päivällä ihmeellisiä itse tekemiään soittimia esittelevä Mika Rintala eli Verde tuo laitteensa illalla Telakan keikalleen.

    Sunnuntaina Telakalla esiintyy tamperelaisia elektronisen musiikin kantavia ja myös piileviä voimia, kuten Kompleksi, mmaakkee, Aerodynamystix ja sekä paikallisia dj-kollektiiveja.

    Aiempaa laajemmista manSEDANse-päivätapahtumista enemmän seuraavissa tiedotteissa.


    manSEDANse-festivaa li 8.‒11. lokakuuta
    tiedote 3/3 (manSEDANse/ Finlayson -päivätapahtumat 6.-11. 10. 2009)
    Julkaisuvapaa: heti

    Elektronisen kulttuurin historia ja tulevaisuus kohtaavat manSEDANsen päiväohjelmassa

    Elektronisen musiikin ja kulttuurin festivaalin manSEDANsen päivätapahtumat laajenevat tänä vuonna koko festivaaliviikon mitalle ja myös sisällön ja kohderyhmiensä osalta. Finlaysonin alueella Mediamuseo Rupriikin tiloissa sijaitseva Vooninkisali täyttyy näyttelyviikon ajaksi installaatioista ja mediataideteoksista, joiden lisäksi tilassa järjestetään monipuolinen elektroniseen kulttuuriin syventyvä seminaarien, luentojen ja työpajojen sarja.

    Torstaina (8.10.) kannattaa jokaisen suomalaisesta elektronisesta musiikista ja sen historiasta kiinnostuneen suunnistaa Finlaysonille, kun esillä on ainutlaatuinen paketti alan tietoutta sekä elektronisten soittimien rakentajapioneereja. Aiheesta massiivisen tietopaketin On/Off kirjoittanut Petri Kuljuntausta perehdyttää luennollaan kuulijansa suomalaisen elektronimusiikin historiaan runsaiden ääninäytteiden saattelemana. Luennon jälkeen alkavan Audiohackers Workshopin kunniavieraita ovat Erkki Kurenniemen soittimia esittelevä Mikko Ojanen sekä taiteilijanimellään Verde paremmin tunnettu Mika Rintala.

    Suomalaisen elektronisen musiikin pioneeri ja edelleen laajaa kansainvälistä kin kiinnostusta herättävä Erkki Kurenniemi tuli tunnetuksi 60-luvulla soitinrakentajana, elektronimusiikin säveltäjänä sekä avantgardistisena visionäärinä. Helsingin yliopiston musiikkitieteen oppiaineessa opettava Mikko Ojanen esittelee Finlaysonilla Kurenniemen soittimia Dico (1969) ja Dimi-A (1970). Pitkän linjan elektronisten soittimien rakentaja on myös Verde, jonka rakentamat laitteet hämmästyttävät ja viehättävät samalla kertaa. Niiden ääniä on kuultu paitsi miehen omalla yli kymmenellä levyllä, myös esimerkiksi Circlessä, Ektroverdessä ja dokumentissa Futuro. Torstain päiväohjelma täydentyy illalla Telakalla, jossa mm. Verde ja Petri Kuljuntausta (dj) esiintyvät.

    Avajaispäivänä tiistaina luennoiva tutkija Kari A. Hintikka tutustuttaa kuulijansa ihmisen ja koneen sekä biologian ja kybernetiikan välisiin suhteisiin 1800-luvulta aina vuoteen 2075. Hintikka havainnollistaa vuorovaikutteiseen taiteeseen keskittyvää luentoaan valokuva-, elokuva- ja videonäyttein alansa keskeisten vaikuttajien teorioista, tuotannosta ja ilmiöistä.

    Keskiviikon manSEDANse Play! on omistettu ajankohtaisen pelikehityksen ja
    -tutkimuksen esittelyyn. Pelitutkimukseen perehdyttämisestä vastaa tutkija Jaakko Stenroos, jonka jälkeen kokoonnutaan keskustelemaan pelien ja pelaamisen tulevaisuudesta tutkija Olli Sotamaan johdolla. Mukana on myös valtakunnallisesti toimiva pelinkehityskerho Score, jonka toimintaan ja tuottamiin peleihin tutustutaan pelitutkimuksen esittelyn jälkeen.

    manSEDANsessa on ohjelmaa myös nuorille, kun yhdessä muusikko Jan Anderzénin, kulttuuriosuuskunta Uulun ja Museopalveluiden TAITE-verkoston kanssa toteutettu yläasteikäisten työpajat perehdyttävät osallistujiaan elektronisen musiikin tuottamiseen. Nuoret tuottavat työpajassa yhdessä oman elektronisen musiikkiäänitteensä. Nämä työpajat on tarkoitettu vain nuorille ja niihin voi osallistua TAITE-verkoston kautta.

    Vooninkisalissa on esillä myös useita installaatioita ja mediataideteoksia, joista osassa katsoja vaikuttaa itse teoksen sisältöön. Esimerkiksi kolmen helsinkiläistaiteilijan toteuttama ”Enaktiivinen installaatio” tarjoaa katsojalle tämän ei-tahdonalaisien reaktioiden mukaan muokkautuvan audiovisuaalisen kokemuksen.

    Pääsymaksuton ja kaikille avoin manSEDANse/Finlayson -kokonaisuus on avoinna tiistaista sunnuntaihin (6.10.–11.10.), pääsääntöisesti kello 10–18. Tarkemmat aikataulut ja aukioloajat löytyvät web-osoitteesta


    press (at) (tiedustelut, pressikuvat, haastattelupyynnöt)

    Check the latest Kompleksi news at:

  • Wednesday, September 02, 2009

    Monday, August 31, 2009

    Mika Vainio: Black Telephone of Matter (CD)

    All the latest Mika Vainio news will be now updated to:

    Artist: Mika Vainio
    Title: Aineen musta puhelin / Black Telephone of Matter
    Format: CD (Digipak)
    Label: Touch (UK) TO:72
    Date: 1 August 2009


    1. Roma A.D. 2727 (4:14)
    2. Silencés Traverses Des Mondes Et De Anges (9:33)
    3. Hautaa Hevosen Pää / Bury A Horse's Head (11:35)
    4. In A Frosted Lake (5:53)
    5. Swedenborgia (5:34)
    6. Ylimääräisen AntenniLämpötilan Mittaus 4080 MHz:ssä / Measurement Of Excess Antenna Temperature At 4080 ML/S (10:38)
    7. Hengityttajä / The Breather (7:09)

    Total length: 54:38


    Artwork by Jon Wozencroft.
    Mastered by Denis Blackham.

    Produced and recorded in Berlin 2008.
    Track 3 dedicated for John Duncan.

  • Info @ Touch
  • Discogs entry


  • Brainwashed
  • Mapsadaisical
  • XLR8R
  • Friday, August 28, 2009

    New Jori Hulkkonen Album: Man from Earth (Turbo Recordings, October 2009)

    All the latest Jori Hulkkonen news will be now updated to:

    Jori Hulkkonen: 'Bend Over Beethoven' (2009; animation by Len Lye, roughly edited by TVP)

    Jori Hulkkonen will release his new album in October on Tiga's Turbo Recordings imprint.

    Artist: Jori Hulkkonen
    Title: Man from Earth
    Label: Turbo Recordings (Canada)
    Date: October 2009


    01. I Am Dead feat. Jerry Valuri
    02. Boying in the Smokeroom
    03. Dancerous
    04. The Other Side of Time
    05. Re Last Year feat. Villa Nah
    06. Ridge Over Trouble Forrester
    07. Musta Gunilla
    08. Undercover feat. The Dove
    09. I Dance to Your Bass My Friend
    10. Bend Over Beethoven
    11. My Brother Went to Space and All I Got Was This Lousy Vacuum
    12. Man from Earth

  • More info @ Resident Advisor
  • Sid Loves Turbo: Podcast Vol. 47 - Jori Hulkkonen (JH: "100% Finnish music only, including Tuomas Toivonen, FBI and a taster from my forthcoming album")

    See also the latest video from Jori Hulkkonen's Acid Symphony Orchestra project:

    Acid Symphony Orchestra - Diamonds Of The Night from Jori Hulkkonen on Vimeo.

    Official music video for
    Acid Symphony Orchestra - 'Diamonds Of The Night'.
    Directed by Jori Hulkkonen & Jani Lehto, 2009.

    Taken from the forthcoming Acid Symphony Orchestra 12" on Turbo recordings featuring live recordings of ASO shows.
    'Diamonds Of The Night' recorded live at BIOS @ Athens, Greece in May 2009.

    The Acid Symphony Orchestra live perfomances feature 10 Roland TB-303 bassline synthesizers, one TR-707 or a TR-808 drummachine and personnel to operate them.

    Composer and conductor:
    Jori Hulkkonen

    The Orchestra:
    Juha Matinmäki
    Aku "Huoratron" Raski
    Kalle Karvanen
    Jussi-Pekka "Monoder" Parikka
    Janne "Burdock" Puurunen
    Tatu "Mr Velcro Fastener" Peltonen
    Kimmo "Acid Kings" Oksanen
    Pete "Sintetik" Salonen
    Tuomas Toivonen
    Johannes "TinMan" Auvinen
  • Tuesday, August 25, 2009

    We Call It Skweee

    We call it Skweee mini preview from David Giese on Vimeo.

    A full-length music documentary about the Scandinavian electronic funk style known as Skweee. Directed by Iacopo Patierno and David Giese. Camera: Iacopo Patierno. Sound mix: Andreas Franck. Showing at Bio Rio, Hornstull, Stockholm, 31/8 2009 at 19.00.

    The film will also be shown at:

    0 9 0 9 0 9: Randy Barracuda & Rigas Den Andre record release party

    9 September 2009
    @ Kuudes Linja, Helsinki

    Järjestäjä: Flogsta Danshall
    Luokitus: Musiikki/Taiteet - Konsertti
    Verkosto: Kansainvälinen
    Hinta:8 EUR
    Alkaa: 9. syyskuuta 2009 kello 21:30
    Loppuu: 10. syyskuuta 2009 kello 3:30
    Paikka: Kuudes Linja
    Katuosoite: Kaikukatu 4
    Kaupunki/Kunta: Helsinki, Finland


    RIGAS DEN ANDRE (Flogsta Danshall, SWE)

    RANDY BARRACUDA (Imatran Voima, Flogsta Danshall, FIN)

    MESAK (Mr Velcro Fastener, FIN)


    DJ PAVAN (Flogsta Danshall, SWE)


    Ensiesitämme tilaisuudessa myös Iacopo Patiernon ja David Giesen dokumenttielokuvan We Call It Skweee!



  • Skweee showcase @ Sónar 2008

  • Harmönia Records
  • Space: 1999 - Italian Soundtrack by Ennio Morricone

    Ennio Morricone: 'Spazio 1999'

    Now this is truly strange. It was Ennio Morricone himself, the famous film composer best known for his immortal themes for Sergio Leone's spaghetti westerns, who created this bizarre score for Spazio: 1999, the Italian version of Gerry Anderson's 70s sci-fi TV series Space: 1999.

    Monday, August 24, 2009

    Kim Rap: Valokuvia (ääni-installaatio) @ Galleria Regina, Turku, 3 - 27 September 2009

    KIM RAP - Valokuvia (ääni-installatio)

    Järjestäjä: Turun Monitaito-projekti
    Luokitus: Musiikki/Taiteet - Näyttely
    Verkosto: Kansainvälinen
    Hinta: Vapaa pääsy
    Alkaa: 3. syyskuuta 2009 kello 18:00
    Loppuu: 27. syyskuuta 2009 kello 16:00
    Katuosoite: Linnankatu 1, 20100
    Kaupunki/Kunta: Turku, Finland

    Käki kukkui Kim Rapin vongahtaessa ensiparkaisun vanhan Karjalan Vuoksen uoman kelluvassa tuohiveneessä, haukien näykkiessä varpaista mureita irtopaloja tehden niistä torsoisia veistoksia. Rapin menneisyys on muuten purppuraisen usvan peitossa. Laatokan pohjamudista kaivetun päiväkirjan mukaan hän pakeni neuvostovaltaa jäniksenä Saimaan kanavalla kulkeneessa siipiratasaluksessa, kuljettaen Fabergén kultamunia, toista anuksessa ja toista kolmantena pallina, ylittäessään Euroopan pahinta elintasokuilua. Rap päätyi Imatralle v. 1985, jossa hänen onnistui värväytyä kisälliksi paikallisen disc jockeyn ja elektronisen musiikin narkkipojan oppiin.

    Suomen armeijan tark’ampujakoulutuksen jälkeen hän liukeni Helsinkiin, jossa aloitti levytysuransa v. 1990. Siitä lähtien hän on vääntänyt taiteellisesti kiitettyä teknometakkaa, kierrellen ja kaarrellen pitkin Eurooppaa maantieteellisessä kolmiossa Galway, Venetsia ja Tartto. Hän kertoo alkutaipaleella mm. toimineensa merkittävänä vahvistuksena (lähde?) Sähkö Recordingsin kauhua herättäneellä ensimmäisellä Englannin kiertueella. Tämän vuoden Flow-festivaaleilla kuultiin viimeinen Mono Junk -live-keikka Suomessa.

    Rapin taiteellista moniulottuneisuutta ja itsensä poikittain pinoon laittamista kuvaa hänen esiintymisensä myös lavasteena barokkiperuukki päässä Turun kaupunginteatterin menestysmusikaalissa Elisabeth sekä Prinsessa Ruususessa. Artikkelit Voima-lehteen ovat liukuportaita kohti esikoiskirjan julkistamista. Kuvataiteilijana Rap on maalannut muutaman tekeleen öljyväreillä, valokuvia näpsinyt paltiarallaa viisi vuotta. Galleria Reginassa nähdään kolmen sarjan valokuvakokonaisuus doupattuna ääni-installaatiolla. Kuvataiteilijana tämä on hänen debyyttinäyttelynsä. Kim Rap on toiminut näyttelyn järjestävässä Monitaito-Projektissa helmikuusta 2009.

    NÄYTTELYN AVAJAISET Torstaina 3.9 klo 18. Tervetuloa!

    Thursday, August 20, 2009

    Ever Had: 'Bleeding'

    Ever Had: 'Bleeding' (live @ Yo-Talo, Tampere 2000 or 2001)

    Ever Had is the solo project of Kompleksi member Everhad (a.k.a. Perttu Piirto), here in its live incarnation with Jouka Mattila (where the guys are obviously over-caffeinated?). This video is taken from Ever Had's record release gig in 2000 or 20001. The song can be found from Ever Had's CD Dejoy (relishCd001).

    Ever Had: 'Fuzzland'

  • Ever Had @ Discogs
  • Ever Had @

    Perttu Piirto also has another project, called Melkoinen. Check out Melkoinen @ MySpace.

    Furthermore, Perttu made his own comment to a recent domestic news event, when the sales manager of Audi cars for Finland made some controversial comments on women, comparing them to cars, thus angering many and eventually getting sacked for his opinions. The clip also features Tina Ulevik, Kompleksi's video director.

    Audimies tilittää (2009)

  • The "Audi Man" controversy in English @ Helsingin Sanomat
  • Thursday, August 13, 2009

    "Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet"

    The dog days of summer always abound with UFO sightings and other strange phenomena, the hot temperatures obviously creating interesting things in people's brain activity. So, it's only too fitting that there is now this fresh article on the alleged connections between the latest hot pop sensation Lady Gaga (who to me seems merely re-hashing the electroclash craze of the early naughty noughties; in the footsteps of Peaches et al.) and the Illuminati, an ancient secret society supposedly pulling the strings of this world. And this is what the article claims:

    The symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga is so blatant that one might wonder if it’s all a sick joke. Illuminati symbolism is becoming so clear that analyses like this one becomes a simple exercise of pointing out the obvious. Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing.

    Read the rest of it here:

    (OK, you can now take your tongue off the cheek.)

    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    Sami Pennanen: Manuel Labor (Exhibition, 12 - 30 August 2009, Lahti)

    Sami Pennanen : Manuel Labor

    Eli ns. "rehellisiä töitä".

    Pilkukkaaksi paikkausmaalattu pakettiauto, seiniltä hilseilevää maalia, ylivalottuneita ihmisiä alikulkutunneleissa, nuhruisia sarjakuvapilviä, ohikiitäviä rakennuksia, tasaista keskiharmaata, kuivuneita spriitusseja, osittaisella peittämisellä esiin nostettuja yksityiskohtia, kylttejä ties minne, mustekaloja, metrovaunuja, ilmeisen toimimatonta jätehuoltoa, peruskoulussa saatuja mutta vasta kymmeniä vuosia myöhemmin täyteen piirrettyjä ruutuvihkoja, vandalisoitu mustamaija, harmaa luppakorvainen koira, hiekkapuhallettujen sillanalusten graffitihaamuja, tyhjiä pintoja, maalauspohjiksi päätyneitä puhkipidettyjä vaatteita, heraldisia uudelleentulkintoja, valumia ja roiskeita, rillipäitä, katukauppiaiden kojuja yössä, autoja asuntoina ja romuvarastoina, spraysumua, huppareita, reviirin merkkausta, verkkoaitaa, erinäistä poseerausta, turistikuvia, kuvia turisteista, kuvia kuvia ottavista turisteista, irrallisia sanoja epämääräisillä kielillä.

    Jos näin kerron mitä nähtävää näyttelyssä sinänsä on, kerronko mitään sen sisällöstä?

    Asioita jotka olet nähnyt, mutta joita tuskin olet pysähtynyt katsomaan.

    Urbaaniluontokuvaajaa esiin houkuttelevaa haaskaa. Muodollisesti:

    Toista sataa yksittäistä pienempää teosta muodostamassa suurempia teosryppäitä, muodostamassa näyttelytilan kattavan kokonaisteoksen, muodostamassa yhtenäistä näyttelyiden ketjua, muodostumassa joksikin. Maalauksia, piirustuksia, valokuvia, esineitä ja joitain näiden välimuotoja. Ehkä punainen pipo.


    Manuel Labor termin määritys slangisanakirjan (urban mukaan:

    1. A Term for all of the undocumented workers of america, doing the actual work that americans will not do any more.
    2. Physical labor performed by an illegal alien.
    3. A derogatory term that is used to discribe a Mexican person.


    Tämä on lehdistötiedote. Tähän päättyy sumutus.

    Näyttelyn teokset ovat seurankipeitä 12.8. - 30.8.2009 Avajaiset 11.8. klo 18-20 Tervetuloa!

    Galleria Kymi Uusi Kipinä/Kauno ry. Kymintie 1. 15140 Lahti
    avoinna ti-pe 12-18 la-su 12-16

    Kauno ry

    Jos keksit jonkin tekosyyn olla saapumatta paikan päälle, voit tarkistaa näyttelyn näistä:

    manuel hombrage

    on flickr

    Tuesday, August 11, 2009

    pHinnWeb @ Tumblr

    ... not to replace this blog, but to act as a supplement of pics, videos, links...


    So, there is, too.

    Thursday, August 06, 2009

    Death Before Distemper 4 - Mixed & Re-Edited by Kelpe

    The forthcoming release on DC Recordings works both as a great mix record and sampler album of the label's eclectic output, where analogue electronic sounds meet styles as diverse as disco, Krautrock, IDM, electro and abstract hip-hop.

    Artist: Various Artists
    Title: Death Before Distemper 4 - Mixed & Re-Edited by Kelpe (CD) DCR103CD
    Record label: DC Recordings (UK)
    Date: 7 September 2009


    1. Depth Charge: Hronn's Intro
    2. Depth Charge:
    (i) Hubba Hubba Hubba (Knife in the Bag)
    (ii) Bounty Killer III (Where's the Gold?)
    4. Alexander's Dark Band: (i) Bonus (ii) Colour
    Kelpe: Skylla
    Audible: Minal
    4. The Emperor Machine: Fear of Woman
    5. The Oscillation: Head Hang Low
    Greedy Fingers: Cutting Progress
    Padded Cell: Beautiful Gloom
    6. Kelpe: Sickly Situation
    O.H. Krill: Seven Up Swing (Cherrystones remix)
    7. Booze: Insanity Drive
    8. Depth Charge: Robotomo
    9. Padded Cell: Signal Failure
    10. The Emperor Machine: (i) Monkey Overbite (ii) No Sale No I.D. (Simian Mobile Disco version)
    The Oscillation: Head Hang Low (Kelpe version)
    11. Kelpe: Bread Machine Bred
    Vincent Markowski: Dirty Capsules
    12. Big Two Hundred: Kog
    Depth Charge: Bounty Killer III
    Arcadion: Arc
    13. Tom Tyler: The Crippled Diode
    Big Two Hundred: Drum Spell
    14. Kelpe: (i) Shipwreck Glue (Wes Coats remix)
    (ii) Shipwreck Glue
    15. The Orichalc Phase: Violations (dub)
    16. White Light Circus: Rocket Ride (extended version)
    Alexanders Dark Band: Dead Metal Dyno Rock
    17. Vincent Markowski: False Flag
    18. The Oscillation: Visitation (Exit)
    Kelpe: Yippee Space Ghost (Sidversion)
    Skye: Part One
    19. The Emperor Machine: Pro Mars
    20. The Octagon Man: Vidd
    21. Higamos Hogamos: Infinity Plus One
    Padded Cell: Triple X Syndrome (Depth Charge remix)
    22. Tom Tyler: Papa FM
    23. Deadly Avenger: Malpaso
    24. Alexanders Dark Band: (i) Tram Ride (ii) Lord Calrec
    25. Depth Charge: Ride
    26. Tom Tyler: Carmel Conclusion
    Kelpe: Whirlwound (Stormy Version)
    Tom Tyler: Undupitably
    27. Depth Charge: Desire
    28. Higamos Hogamos: The Illuminoids

    Press release notes from DC Recordings:

    Close on the heels of the Death Before Distemper 3, which saw The Idjut Boys mix up the more discofied elements of the DC catalogue into a succulent melting pot, comes Part 4 in the series -- a crunched-up counterpart to the Idjuts mix that has been assembled by DC's own aquatic beat-monger KELPE.

    Given the run of the label's catalogue, but with the emphasis this time on the earlier and more experimental side, Kelpe splices and dices material by DC protagonists old and new to create strange and unlikely hybrids. Moving rapidly through material (forty eight tracks are featured in around forty-six minutes), the results are a beguiling mix that present the sounds of DC Recordings in some startling new ways...

    The frenzied beats of Depth Charge's formative work rubs shoulders with the psychotic fury of Booze; the smooth glassy funk of Tom Tyler combines majestically with atmospheric beats of Big Two Hundred; Octagon Man's proto-techno is fused with the cosmic pop of Higamos Hogamos...

    This mix precedes Kelpe's brand new studio album Cambio Wechsel, which will be released in October 2009, and forms the continuation of the Death Before Distemper series that began with the original 2006 compilation (DCR76), 2008's Revenge of the Iron Ferret (DCR89) and the aforementioned Idjut Boys mix (DCR95) that was released in spring 2009.

    Saturday, August 01, 2009

    Thursday, July 30, 2009

    Pan sonic News from Blast First Petite

    All the latest Pan sonic news will be now updated to:

    Pan sonic news from their label, Blast First Petite:

    Artist: Pan sonic & Keiji Haino
    Title: Shall I Download A Black Hole and Offer It To You
    Format: CD PTYT 014
    Label: Blast First Petite (UK)
    Date: 6 July 2009 (Mail Order from 15th June)

    "The complete live recording from the 15th November 2007 concert at Berlin's Volksbühne. Music. Mystery. Magic Finlandian straight-men dual a last waltz with stand-up shamen, Mr Haino. All bow. Deluxe Packaging Designed by Stephen O'Malley."

  • Info @ Blast First Petite

    Blast First Petite also announced a Sunn 0)))) and Pan sonic joint release 7" (which seems to have been sold out already!):

    Sunn 0))) / Pansonic
    PTYT 021 - Release Date 1st June

    Limited editon of 1500 White Vinyl & 1500 Clear Vinyl

    This is serious......serious as a heart attack!
    The hooded ones touch branch wands with the unsmiling Finlanders for six epic minutes.
    Joe Preston intones the incantation as inscribed by the seer, Vega.
    Sky's crack, lightning bolts rend the sky, Valkyries ride the storm.

    Flip the disc,
    13 Crosses, 16 Blazin' Skulls.
    Sci-Fi electronic metal machine music.
    A live in hell 2008 version of a song first heard on Vega's cruelly ignored 2007 album "Station"
    All hail.
    Lost soulman of the Black Country, Stephen Burroughs, sometimes head Head of "Head of David".
    Gira-esque acoustic version and Stephen's first visit to a recording studio in near a decade.
    Time's a circle

    Twisted tunes in an inside out package.
    Beautifully rendered "hidden" drawings by Coulter Jacobsen: drawn and re-drawn from memory.
    The best batch yet.....?

    A Sunn 0))) / Pansonic - Che (6:00)
    B1 Alan Vega - Thirteen Crosses (Live 2008)
    B2 Stephen Burroughs - Goodbye Darling (4:05)

    Stephen Burroughs ex-Head Of David singer made a Brando-like return to the studio in the summer of 2008, for the first time in over a decade.

    Inside Cover Image: Coulter Jacobsen "Flash Falls After Donal" (2006)
    Special Thanks to Coulter & Corvi Mora Gallery, London.

    A Limited Edition of 3000

  • More info @ Blast First Petite

  • And a new Pan sonic album (PTYT 039) announced for October 2009 on Blast First Petite!
  • Wednesday, July 29, 2009

    Some Mixes feat. Kompleksi's Tracks...

    A summer megamix by (DJ) Müßta Kirahvi (a.k.a. Erikoismies), fresh from the blender:


    DD Sound: Burning Love
    Paul Hardcastle: Guilty (Instrumental)
    Robo feat. MC Irwin: Cyberchrist
    Rhetta Hughes: Angel Man (Midtown Version)
    Kalyan: Tan Tan (Poly-T Edit)
    Discothéque: Disco Special
    Ted Nugent: Terminus Eldorado (Edit)
    Peter Brown: Do You Wanna Get Funky with Me?
    Mandy Perriment: Do You Want My Love? (Poly-T Lo-NRG Edit)
    DIN A Testbild: No Satisfaction
    Ectomorph: Only in Shadows / Kompleksi: Lovechild

    Scissors and glue used with best possible taste.



    And another interesting electro/techno mix set, with Kompleksi's 'Gothic Robots' included [full tracklist here]:

    Monday, July 27, 2009

    Kompleksi @ Turku Modern, 25 July 2009

    Photography by Rene Kita.

    Kompleksi has now opened a Tumbler account. You can see the complete set of Rene's gig photos there:

    Rene Kita also took other cool pics (would "kinetic photographic studies" be a correct expression?) of the Turku Modern festival.

    All Kompleksi news from now at:

    Thursday, July 16, 2009

    Finnish Shell TV Commercials from the 60s and 70s


    Shell: Lentävä maailma ("Shell: The Flying World", early 70s)

    Early 70s(?)

    "Shellistä!" Finnish Shell TV commercials of the 1960s and 70s featured the immemorable voiceovers by Kaj Gahnström, in his ultra-masculine growling bass, which used to scare the TV-watching children all over the country. Also the top model Seija Tyni appeared as the "Shell Super Girl" in these stylish clips (created by the advertising agency SEK with Crea-Filmi), which can these days seen as a sort of pop art typical of its era: pre-energy crisis and less "politically correct" (using women as sexist props in commercials, the subsequent boycotts against Shell).

    Seija Tyni, as the "Supergirl", soon became associated with Shell as a product personalization, being presented as a modern action character influenced by James Bond and Modesty Blaise, and was seen in different roles in each spot: being a boxer, a soldier, a rally driver, a karate player, etc. In the 1967 Shell sunglasses campaign Tyni's Supergirl appeared as

    "a teacher, sitting behind the teacher's desk and looking down at the watch she wears on a chain around her neck. The loud tick-tock of an old grandfather's clock is heard in the background. Then suddenly the school bell rings. The unmistakable, very low bass voice of the narrator [Gahnström] (voice-over was an organic element in Shell Finland's commercials until the 1990s and was imitated in numerous contemporary commercials): 'Suddenly it is 3 p.m. Polarized sunglasses. Now for 12:80. They change your whole world. For a special price. At Shell.' [This sort of "clipped" telegram style was typical of Shell's advertisement lingo. -pH] During the speak, the Supergirl removes her spectacles and puts the sunglasses on. At that same instant her hair falls down and the topknot hairdo changes into a glamorous coiffure. The last scene shows a race car curving away on an icy road."

    (Visa Heinonen, Jukka Kortti & Mika Pantzar: "How Lifestyle Products Became Rooted in the Finnish Consumer Market - Domestication of Jeans, Chewing Gum, Sunglasses and Cigarettes", 2003, PDF)

    Paying tribute, Ilppo Pohjola used Gahnström's growling voice (and also some female models fashioned after these old TV commercials) in his experimental short film Asphalto (1998).

  • Shell: mainoskirja (PDF)

    More old Finnish TV commercials:

  • Tuttu TV:stä
  • Tätä ei voi olla

  • Finnish TV Commercials Nostalgia (Februry 2007)
  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009

    Juhannus 3000 by Mallisto

    U P C O M I N G !
    ** ** ** ** ** ** **

    Erikoisdance 13
    Artist: Mallisto
    Release: "Juhannus 3008" (CDr)

    Release date: August 2009
    Running time: 18+ minutes
    File under: electronics, ambient synth folk, psychedelia, pop, home recording

    Mallisto, founded in Helsinki by Christer Nuutinen (kb/v) and Jukka Vallisto (bg) in the mid-nineties, was active off and on for several years with slightly varying lineups, Nuutinen and Jenni Rope (kb/v) being present in most of the incarnations. Either as a duo or with Vallisto, and later with Ilja Karsikas on guitar.

    A year or so of semi-active live playing (at events ranging from ordinary club gigs to art show openings and private house warming parties in tiny student flats) gradually saw the bands output evolve from childish instrumental electro pop to a peculiar lofi sound, mixing synth pop and psychedelia. The only recording to enter the public sphere during Mallisto's active phase was the self-released EP Polku, performed and produced in 2000 by Nuutinen and Rope as a duo.

    Quite sadly, as the band continued to further refine its trademark sound — finally matured into their very own specific blend of Lofi Ambient Folk Pop — their active phase also seemed to slowly but firmly grind to a halt. Today, not even the members of Mallisto themselves are sure if the group still exists.

    Juhannus 3008 compiles 5 tracks, originally recorded in separate sessions, during a timespan of almost 15 years, but still managing to sum up as one solid body of work.

    Here a charming array of old electric pianos, organs and beautiful analog synths are paired with frail lullaby vocals and the occasional hand picked guitar to a most enchanting effect. Melodies — melancholic, warm and inviting — hover mid-air, gently held afloat in the almost invisible, ethereal embrace of buzzing oscillators, reversed tape loops and a strange kind of audible silence. The bands instantly recognisable sound is simultaneously both rich and humble, intimate and spacious.
    A remix provided by Erikoismies is also included.

    Sound clips:

  • Laulu numero 1
  • Laulu numero 2
  • Juhannus 3008
  • Halkio
  • Syysjami
  • Juhannus 3008 (Erikoismies Bongo Mix)


    Erikoisdance online
  • Risto Jarva 75 Years

    A short excerpt off Onnenpeli by Risto Jarva (1965)

    Rauli "Badding" Somerjoki: 'Bensaa suonissa' (off Bensaa suonissa by Risto Jarva, 1970)

    Timo Tervo: 'Katseen kosketus' (off Mies, joka ei osannut sanoa ei by Risto Jarva, 1975)

    An excerpt off Jäniksen vuosi by Risto Jarva (1977)

    Today is the 75th birthday of Finnish film director Risto Jarva (15 July 1934 - 16 December 1977). You can read more about him here. In many ways Jarva was a product of his own time, whose works reflected the political ideas, social trends, fashions and general Zeitgeist of what was Finland in the 1960s and 1970s, and watching his often-topical films today, they might feel dated and even flawed in many ways, but for me Risto Jarva remains one of the most interesting directors this country has ever spawned, nevertheless.

    Monday, July 13, 2009

    Blindpassasjer (1978)

    Blindpassasjer opening credits (1978)

    Novamen: 'Lies' (track from 2008; with excerpts from Blindpassasjer) [Novamen @ Discogs]

    Blindpassasjer ("Stowaway") was a Norwegian science fiction TV miniseries of three episodes, made in 1978. It was written by Jon Bing and Tor Åge Bringsværd and directed by Stein Roger Bull for NRK, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. Egil Monn-Iversen was responsible for the eerie film score. The series, which many consider the finest piece of filmed science fiction in Norway, was also shown in Sweden and Finland (with the title Salamatkustaja). It's interesting how some scenes reminisce Ridley Scott's Alien, which had its film premiere only a year later.

    A plot summary from IMBD entry: "The spaceship Marco Polo is returning from a mission at the newly discovered planet Rossum. While the five members of the crew are in deep sleep a mysterious shape is captured on one of the surveillance monitors. Awakened the crew soon discover that one of their number has been killed, and something is living among them in the shape of a crewmate. But who is it?"

    Blindpassasjer has been released on DVD in Norway.

    Links in Norwegian:

  • Blindpassasjer @ Norwegian Wikipedia
  • Blindpassasjer @ Bergen Filmklubb
  • Friday, July 03, 2009

    Elonkorjaajat Exhibition in Tammisaari

    Olli Lyytikäinen: Flygande Hamlet ("Flying Hamlet", 1976)

    Elonkorjaajat ("Harvesters") was an artist group who started in Helsinki in 1971. Inspired by the underground movement of the day, the members of Elonkorjaajat featured such people as Pekka Airaksinen, J.O. Mallander and Peter Widén who were also part of The Sperm, a controversial music and performance group. Elonkorjaajat -- whose artistic range encompassed conceptual art, earth art, installations, performance and media art -- ran in Helsinki a gallery called Cheap Thrills (the name inspired by a Frank Zappa record of the same name). Finnish Green movement had its origins in the activities of the vegetarian restaurant Kasvis, run by some Elokorjaajat members who, alongside conceptual art and underground music & culture, embraced such interests as Zen Buddhism and macrobiotic diet.

    The works of Elonkorjaajat can now been seen at the summer exhibition (29 May - 13 September 2009) taking place in the Elverket gallery of Tammisaari; featuring Airaksinen, Carolus Enckell, Antero Kare, Philip von Knorring, Mallander, Carl-Erik Ström, Ilkka Juhani Takalo-Eskola, Erik Uddström, Widén and Stuart Wrede. Also Olli Lyytikäinen who died in 1987 is featured with one piece.

    Exhibition reviews in Finnish:

  • Helsingin Sanomat
  • Turun Sanomat
  • Uusi Suomi

    Elonkorjaajat info in Finnish:

  • Kisko-Seura
  • Mustekala.Info
  • Skenet

    Video clips:

  • Olli Lyytikäinen @ Yle Elävä Arkisto
  • J.O. Mallander @ Yle Elävä Arkisto

    See also:

  • FinnScene: The Early Years @ pHinnWeb
  • McCloud: 'Ain't That Just The Way' (1975)

    McCloud: 'Park Avenue Pirates' opening credits (1975)

    Barbi Benton: 'Ain't That Just The Way' (1976)

    McCloud was an American TV show that lasted from 1970 to 1977, starring Dennis Weaver (who many remember from Steven Spielberg's 1971 debut, Duel) as a country marshal transferred to the crime-infested New York City; the basic premises of the series taken from Clint Eastwood's 1968 Coogan's Bluff. 'Ain't That Just The Way' by Barbi Benton (Hugh Hefner's former girlfriend) was heard in the 1975 episode 'Park Avenue Pirates'. Sheriffi McCloud being a popular show in Finland too, Benton's performance in the episode caught the attention of some local music biz people; with the subsequent translation version 'Näinkö meille täällä aina käy' by Virve Rosti becoming a big domestic hit in 1976.

    Karl Malden (1912 - 2009)

    A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

    On The Waterfront (1954)

    The Streets of San Francisco (1973)

    The Old Potato Nose is gone: American actor Karl Malden has died at the honourable age of 97. Malden, born as Mladen George Sekulovich, won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) and was also nominated for On The Waterfront (1954), another Marlon Brando movie. Malden was already 60 years old in 1972, when the popular cop show The Streets of San Francisco was launched, lasting five seasons and amassing 119 hour-long episodes where he starred as Lt. Mike Stone all through the series, alongside the newcomer Michael Douglas. With a career that spanned amazing seven decades, Karl Malden lent his rough, down-to-Earth charisma to whatever he worked with.

    Wednesday, July 01, 2009

    Friday, June 26, 2009

    Sky Saxon of The Seeds (1946* - 2009)

    The Seeds: 'Pushin' Too Hard' (1967)

    The Seeds: 'Mr Farmer (1967)

    The Seeds: 'Can't Seem To Make You Mine

    The Seeds: 'Two Fingers Pointing on You' (off Psych-Out, directed by Richard Rush, 1968)

    Sky "Sunlight" Saxon, the singer and leader of the seminal psychedelic garage rock band The Seeds died on Wednesday 25 June 2009.

    * He was reported to be 63 years old, though some sources differ on his actual age.

  • Obituary @ L.A. Record
  • Wednesday, June 24, 2009

    New Releases from Luovaja

    Finnish CD-R label Luovaja delighted me with three fresh releases from their roster; two of them of Finnish origins, one from Russia.

    Paanpa is the singer–songwriter–multi-instrumentalist Pasi Palonen from Tampere. His home-grown electropop draws comparisons to such Finnish luminaries as Risto and TV-Resistori. Vega Stereo is vintage analogue ambient from the Moscow duo of Alexey and Nastya. Bearly Queen is a one-man ambient project of Heikki Kippola (also known for his Palasokeri prog and Krautrock page) from Oulu. Follow the links to sound samples, further info and how to order.

    Artist: Paanpa
    Title: Ihmisen ja koneen välisestä ystävyydestä
    Format: CD-R, edition of 50 lvjcdr011
    Label: Luovaja (FIN)
    Date: May 2009


    1. Aina kun mä tuun, mä kuolen pikkaisen (3:33)
    2. Sokkarin liukuportaat (3:13)
    3. Robootti (3:18)
    4. Oi, Bianchina! (3:56)
    5. Avaruushissi (3:06)
    6. Rakkauslaulu robootille (3:56)
    7. Kone rokkaa (3:23)
    8. Hei beibi, drillaa mua (3:21)
    9. Tottele minua kone (3:14)

    Total length: 31:20

    Press release notes:

    Sci-fi–lo-fi–indie-synthesizer-pop-rock from the singer–songwriter–multi-instrumentalist Pasi Palonen's (also of Popsicle People) solo project Paanpa. After last year's wonderful demo Mehujääihmisten uneton uni (which can be downloaded here) comes Paanpa's debut album, philosophical comment on the delicate relationship between man and machine.

    Can a machine feel love? Can even a human being feel love? Can a human and a machine ever find each other, romantically? What about an intimate relationship between flesh and cold, cold metal? These are important questions of which no-one has ever written even a doctoral thesis(!).

    As a human being, as a machine of flesh, I've been coded with these biological scripts that cause us to feel crush, hate, the need to touch and be touched, the ability to feel sorrow and even so-called love - these are emotions, electrical phenomena going on in the brain, that man has located and given them names. These are the days of making a consumer product from every basic need man has, so that these needs can be sold for example as part of TV's programme flow or as a sex shop's services (not to mention all those dating sites over the Internet).

    The world we try to perceive every day is after all created by man. Man has also created every machine and every human being of today. Form is discretion, and there is no soul... So, I make a profound question: Is there really a difference between a creature grown in a womb and a machine, built up piece by piece in a factory? These both creations have (in most cases) some sort of an operating system with some sub programs.

    As an individual raised by science fiction literature, I strongly feel the urge to ask, to speculate about the thing called 'reality'. I do not expect getting neutral answers, if any. I also feel that pop music is as good a format to make these questions as a scientific (or a science fiction) publication is.

    I have been honoured to feel a machine kind of love, to be a guinea pig for a sadistic dentist's dark fantasies, to mourn my own loneliness, and between all of this I've been conceiving and amending my own views of this planet, Earth.

    I recorded this record in my bedroom where I also wrote most of the songs. When Jaakob Karhu contacted me about making this CD-R, about half of the songs existed in a form or another. Quickly I understood what it was going to be, even if my songs tend to take a direction of their own and crawl out of my reach. If I believe in something, it is that things tend to work out somehow - may the results be for good or bad. This happened to 'Ihmisen ja koneen välisestä ystävyydestä', too.

    – Pasi Palonen, Tampere in May 2009

    Artist: Vega Stereo
    Title: Quark
    Format: CD-R, limited edition lvjcdr01
    Label: Luovaja (FIN)
    Date: June 2009


    1. Green Beauty
    2. Blue Up
    3. Green Charm
    4. Red Truth
    5. Blue Down
    6. Red Strange
    7. Blue Beauty
    8. Red Down
    9. Green Truth

    Total length: 61:11

    Press release notes:

    Moscow duet VEGA STEREO – Alexey and Nastya

    Long suite of hypnotic ambient landscapes, electronic minimalism and relaxed floating through soft spaces of colors – created with vintage analog synthesizers. The other member of this mysterious Russian duo is also known for his project Analog Concept.

    Artist: Bearly Queen
    Title: Void, Oh The Void
    Format: CD-R, edition of 50 lvjcdr014
    Label: Luovaja (FIN)
    Date: June 2009


    1. Void, Oh The Void

    Total length: 44:14

    Press release notes:

    Even though the title of the previous album may have suggested otherwise BQ hasn't split up. There was some hesitation however if the next album should be something different. After working awhile simultaneously with two different tracks BQ soon realised that these two songs were not ment to be together on the same album. Both needed more space and time. The spacier of the two caught more attension because it had the spirit BQ had been searching for; this could be BQ's Atem? So instead of something different you get more of that familiar slow and dark BQ sound you have learned to love. Better luck next time. Maybe.

    H. K.

  • Official site
  • Thursday, June 18, 2009

    Ian Loveday a.k.a. Eon In Memoriam

    Eon: 'The Spice Must Flow' (1991)

    Via Blissblog:

    Ian Loveday a.k.a. Eon, a legendary British electronic dance music producer, passed away on Wednesday June 17 from complications with pneumonia at the age of 54. Loveday was known for such rave tunes as 'Spice' (1990) and 'Fear The Mind Killer' (1991), and the album Void Dweller (1992). He also recorded under such monikers as Minimal Man, Tan Ru and R. Rash. I interviewed Ian Loveday for pHinnWeb in 2002, through his connection with J Saul Kane's Electron Industries label, for which Eon released such 12"s as 'Wave Angel' (1995) and 'Phaze Test' (1996). Rest in peace.


  • Eon interview @ pHinnWeb (April 2002)
  • Partial Eon discography @ pHinnWeb
  • Eon @ MySpace
  • Eon @ Discog

  • Obituary @ The Daily Swarm
  • Obituary by Louise Gray @ When That Helicopter Comes
  • Tuesday, June 16, 2009

    Chicks on Speed: Cutting The Edge (Chicks on Speed Records)

    Artist: Chicks on Speed
    Title: Cutting The Edge
    Format: 2-LP/2-CD
    Label: Chicks on Speed Records (Germany) COSR 042
    Release date: June 2009



    01. Intro
    02. Girl Monster
    03. Art Rules
    04. Art Speaks Out
    05. Vibrator
    06. Airport Connection
    07. Buzz
    08. Extended Paintbrush
    09. Globo Cop
    10. Sex In Der Stadt
    11. Strip Song


    01. How To Build A High Heeled Shoe Guitar
    02. Super Surfer Girl
    03. Sewing Machine
    04. Black And White Diva
    05. Coolhunters
    06. The Worst Band In The World
    07. Scream Song
    08. Art Rules Christopher Just's Hard One Intro
    09. Art Rules Christopher Just's Hard One
    10. Instrometalized
    11. Sarah Baker makes partying into art
    12. Cutting The Edge
    13. Dangerous Ones (Hidden Track)

    Press release notes from Chicks on Speed Records:

    The Chicks have been busy in the last 2 years, filming video, making art installations, Girl Monster extravaganzas, reading books, exhibiting all over the planet, making patchwork fashion collections (for Insight, Crystal Ball and, building high heeled shoe guitars, high tech Super suits that trigger sound and video and other Objekt instruments ... AND THEY EVEN FOUND THE TIME TO MAKE THIS NEW RECORD!

    CHICKS ON SPEED’s fifth album Cutting The Edge utilises the collective as a mechanism for the production of instantaneous sound and music recordings. The Chicks worked with: Whomadewho, Mark Stewart, Joe Robinson, A.L. Steiner, Kathi Glas, Anat Ben-David, Christopher Just, Fred Schneider, Gerhardt Potuznik, Patrick Pulsinger and especially UK Super producer team “A Scholar and Physician”.

    The studios, where the album was made, included hotel rooms, trains, bathrooms in cellars of art galleries, over Skype and live recordings taken from their Art Rules performances @ MoMA and Centre Pompidou.

    The songs range from self-referencing pieces, like “Art Rules” and “Extended Paintbrush”, full of insider information and irony, poking fun at the art world (to encourage people to be courageous and humorous) 60’s bubble gum pop “BUZZ”, which is all about the lost glamour of flying, Fassbinder inspired “Black and White Diva” featuring Kiki Moorse, who departed the group 2 years ago, to persue a solo career. “Sewing Machine” came about after the Chicks found a photo of themselves in El Pais crediting them as being Kraftwerk on stage. “Vibrator” ended up sounding so B52’s-ish that the Chicks just had to call up Fred Schneider. And yes, the recording happened over Skype.

    The "Objekt Instruments" are the newest addiction the Chicks on Speed have, they’re the ultimate culmination of fashion, performance and wearable sculptural art, taking advantage of the latest technological developments in science and new media. Most of the songs on the album have been created by using the "Objekt Instruments"; amplified rocks, a high heeled shoe guitar, sax going through a guitar amp, plucking a gutted Piano, and the inspiration for the album title, the scissors.

    Watch out for these "Objekt Instruments" handmade by the Chicks @ the new COS live shows and exhibitions the world over.
    Oh and by the way, experimentalism has never sounded so Pop!

    * Objekt Instruments made in conjunction with, Modul8, Christophe Coppins, Kampnagel theatre.

    More Info/Media/EPK: (pw: chicksedge)

    Booking: all European/Asian/Australian booking enquires:

    All other enquires:;

    P & C 2009 Chicks On Speed Records GmbH, Kolosseumstr. 6, 80469 München, Germany

    Chicks on Speed are Melissa Logan and Alex Murray-Leslie who've conspired together since they ran their illegal bar together, behind the Munich Art Academy in the late 90s.You can try this at home. Sew these ingredients together and you got Chicks On Speed's happy white girl howling surprise of a fifth album, "Cutting The Edge":
    1) Take a lot of art and heart and make it smart with catchy, scratchy melodies and pithy, echoey words that lacerate and negotiate the crazy state of human play. Primp and prep primary popping colors and lock them down with hooks that click tight, in saucy, defiant songs that spin you across the shiny dancefloors of your mind.
    2) Make tunes that matter. Dramas and meditations in pop song form. Vibrator, whose B52's panache lured that band's Fred Schneider to join its sexy romp. Super Surfer Girls' funny beach fantasies; Art Rules Pop's scalding satire of art's money dance; Sew- ing Machine's found sounds from the sweatshop and inter-linguistic lyrics, the provocative textures of Extended Paint- brush's bouncy hedonistic agit-pop; the sheer provocation of Sex In Der Stadt's recycling porn ads; and the title track's timeless question - Are you fake? Or are you real?
    3) Choose your collaborators wisely. You must trust them abso- lutely. We're talking serious threats like Mark Stewart; Anat Ben-David, Joe Robinson, Douglas Gordon, A.L. Steiner, Kathi Glas, Christopher Just, Fred Schneider, Gerhardt Potuznik, Patrick Pulsinger and especially UK Super producer team A Scholar and Physician.
    4) Work across nations and oceans with tools like Skype and OBJEKT instruments you make yourself - amplified rocks, guitars like stiletto heels, saxophone warbling through guitar amps, piano strings plucked by hand.
    5) Wear your own designs of "super suits" that trigger sound and video, made of futuristic textiles with ancient cat's eyes that see into the present.
    6) Let a smorgasbrod of symbols slash expectations as you smash the grey part- itions between art, fashion, music, museums, government, industry and the way you choose to live your life & dreams.
    7) Don't forget the scissors, just as effective as a big bass drum, cutting you off from what you want to leave behind and giving this record its name.
    8) Add a dash of heartbreak, hilarity and wicked insight.
    9) Record on the run, in hotel rooms, trains, bathrooms in cellars of global art galleries, over Skype and live on stage at Art Rules performances at MOMA in New York and the Centre Pompidiou in Paris.
    10) Keep stitching. The departure of Kiki Moore after their last album two years ago, caused soul-searching. Would the Chicks survive? But COS's exuberant art needs kept them flinging their own glitter. Feel it? It's our time to shine. Fuck off, vampires, it's too late.
    by Vivien Goldman

    Vivien Goldman is a writer, broadcaster and musician whose post-punk cult classic 'Launderette' is re-issued on COS's Girl Monster. Her fifth book is The Book of Exodus: the Making and Meaning of Bob Marley and the Wailers' Album of the Century. Known as The Punk Professor, she also teaches Reggae courses at NYU and writes for the New York Times, the New Statesman, the Observer and many more.

    Chicks on Speed on

    Chicks on Speed on ABC Sunday Arts

    Chicks Speed: 'Glamour Girl' live @ Music Terminal, Taiwan (August 2009)

    Friday, June 12, 2009

    Kompleksi Basso Interview in English

    Kompleksi's April 2009 interview in Basso can be now read as an English version.

    The original interview in Finnish is here.

    And there's also the complete, unabridged raw version in Finnish.

    Thanks to Taru the interviewer and Risto @ Basso!

    Wednesday, June 10, 2009

    Big Jim Sullivan and Coral Sitar on Space: 1999 - "The Troubled Spirit"

    Teaser scene from Space: 1999 episode "The Troubled Spirit" (1974)

    Big Jim Sullivan (b. 1941) is a British guitarist and session musician, who also learned to play the sitar under the guidance of Vilayat Khan and released two albums of sitar music. Sullivan provided the eerie improvisation with the Coral sitar for the Space: 1999 episode "The Troubled Spirit" (1974).

  • Space: 1999 - Year 1 CD @ Discogs
  • Thursday, June 04, 2009

    Vladislav Delay's Forthcoming Album, Tummaa

    Vladislav Delay: 'Lumi' (2007, directed by Timothy Jaeger)

    Vladislav Delay (a.k.a. Sasu Ripatti) announces a forthcoming album called Tummaa ("Dark"), out on Leaf, 24 August 2009. Fact magazine (UK) has published a new interview with Ripatti concerning the record.

    Artist: Vladislav Delay
    Title: Tummaa
    Format: CD/ltd.ed. LP/digital download BAY 72CD/BAY 72V/BAY 72E
    Label: Leaf (UK)
    Date: 24 August 2009


    1. A. Melankolia (10:58)
    2. B1. Kuula (Kiitos) (9:02)
    3. C1. Mustelmia (8:13)
    4. D1. Musta Planeetta (5:11)
    5. B2. Toive (11:09)
    6. C2. Tummaa (10:19)
    7. D2. Tunnelivisio (11:16)

  • Album info @ Leaf