Sunday, May 21, 2006

Would You Love A Monsterman?


My mother sounded better when I just called her to the hospital, so we can assume the worst is over by now. Obviously the blood clot was caused by the hormone treatment she had been having. She should be home in a week if there will be no surprises.


I talked with Tuomo of I Was A Teenage Satan Worshipper at Yo-Talo. I was embarrassed on hearing that the Tigerbombs guys had been checking this blog and noticed my remark on their vocalist's looks at the Tampere POP entry. Aargh, me and my big mouth again. My flippant comment was out of line -- my apologies. I don't want to appear as any cyber-bully or anything, since bullies are people whose target I also was when I was younger. Besides, I tried to emphasize the fact that I've actually learned to like the music of the Tigerbombs more as I've seen more gigs from them.

I guess I'm always surprised by the amount of people actually reading this blog, since I rarely receive any feedback from them. I think keeping that distance is largely intentional on my part since I can live without any wise-ass remarks from snotty-nosed 15-year olds; therefore I've never set up a guestbook for pHinnWeb, for example.


I was truly flabbergasted by Lordi, Finland's candidate winning the Eurovision Song Contest and found it hard to believe when I heard about it from some people last night. Well, what a laugh: another proof that Finland is the village idiot of Europe. Which is not such a bad thing.


1 comment:

  1. Good to hear about your mother recovering! My mother just told over the phone having fell over in a toilet and hitting her head. I've been in a constant state of worry ever since. Yesterday she didn't answer the phone right away to which I accustomed since she's always at home. She picked up the phone couple of hours later, though, to my relief.
