U P C O M I N G !
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Erikoisdance 13
Artist: Mallisto
Release: "Juhannus 3008" (CDr)
Release date: August 2009
Running time: 18+ minutes
File under: electronics, ambient synth folk, psychedelia, pop, home recording
Mallisto, founded in Helsinki by Christer Nuutinen (kb/v) and Jukka Vallisto (bg) in the mid-nineties, was active off and on for several years with slightly varying lineups, Nuutinen and Jenni Rope (kb/v) being present in most of the incarnations. Either as a duo or with Vallisto, and later with Ilja Karsikas on guitar.
A year or so of semi-active live playing (at events ranging from ordinary club gigs to art show openings and private house warming parties in tiny student flats) gradually saw the bands output evolve from childish instrumental electro pop to a peculiar lofi sound, mixing synth pop and psychedelia. The only recording to enter the public sphere during Mallisto's active phase was the self-released EP Polku, performed and produced in 2000 by Nuutinen and Rope as a duo.
Quite sadly, as the band continued to further refine its trademark sound — finally matured into their very own specific blend of Lofi Ambient Folk Pop — their active phase also seemed to slowly but firmly grind to a halt. Today, not even the members of Mallisto themselves are sure if the group still exists.
Juhannus 3008 compiles 5 tracks, originally recorded in separate sessions, during a timespan of almost 15 years, but still managing to sum up as one solid body of work.
Here a charming array of old electric pianos, organs and beautiful analog synths are paired with frail lullaby vocals and the occasional hand picked guitar to a most enchanting effect. Melodies — melancholic, warm and inviting — hover mid-air, gently held afloat in the almost invisible, ethereal embrace of buzzing oscillators, reversed tape loops and a strange kind of audible silence. The bands instantly recognisable sound is simultaneously both rich and humble, intimate and spacious.
A remix provided by Erikoismies is also included.
Sound clips:
Erikoisdance online
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