I was truly awestruck this morning when I opened the Valo weekend supplement of local Aamulehti newspaper. They had decided to choose "The Best Three" from various areas of culture (80s heavy metal singers included) here in Tampere and around the world. I thought someone had dropped some hallucinogen to my morning coffee without my knowing, when I browsed the article and my eyes ended up in this little part there...
You see, there was also a section "Tiskijukat" ("disc jockeys"), and as the three best DJs they had chosen as number three Sami Koivikko (a local minimal house man, who has released an album for Berlin's Shitkatapult, and done tons of gigs in Europe and Russia); the second place justifiedly belonged to DJ Infekto (a.k.a. Riku Pentti), the real workhorse of Tampere's drum'n'bass/breakbeat scene, another DJ with countless gigs around the world and a recording artist too. Also familiar from The Skillsters and Bomfunk MCs.
And here's the strangest thing: in the first place there was one pHinn, whom they described with the words: "The underground man Erkki Rautio prefers kommandomixing in the punk spirit to technical superiority. A good gig comes about with some personal ideas and a large record collection." Wheeeeeeew. I'm speechless.
(Well, the funny thing really is that I haven't done DJ gigs in ages; the last one was at Swaeg's two years party in June 2006. After that it's been complete silence as far as my "DJing" goes.)
Man, you deserve it! Congrats!
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